I'm a wife of 17 years & a Mom to 4 perfect cherubs......*insert sarcasm*
I entered blog world on June 6, 2006 and never imagined the joy it would bring me. I've met my best friends in blog world and have been blown away by the adoptive community.
I spend my days at home doing lots of fun things like cooking for a family that will no doubt complain about the dinner I'm serving, cleaning up their messes that will never be noticed, wiping pee off toilets because we all know that boys can't aim and spending all my *free* time lounging on the sofa and anxiously waiting for the big yellow limousine to drop my kids off where I will once again be reminded that I no longer hold the educational knowledge to help them with their math homework.
I don't love my job, but I wouldn't trade it for anything else.
I crave time alone, but would have no idea what to do alone.
I love the company of fun friends with good food & fine wine.
I have a lil' Louis addiction that my husband finds *charming*
I twitch when I've been away from my favorite island for to long.
I love dogs. No actually, I don't love your dog...I love my dog.
I'm a little neurotic with organization & think the game of 'purging' is ol' so fun.
I can not get enough of prosciutto.
When I'm done with something or someone, I'm done.
I loathe camping, but can rock a tiara while doing so.
I love my cocktails.
I can not get enough of prosciutto.
When I'm done with something or someone, I'm done.
I loathe camping, but can rock a tiara while doing so.
I love my cocktails.
I'll cry the day Oprah leaves.
I find my life fun & fabulous because that's what I've made it.
I love high school football and I married into a Buckeye loving family.
I don't have to agree with you to like you.
I know the pain of loss, the joy of gain & the beauty in waiting.
And I believe adoption is the most beautiful love in the world.