Monday, September 27, 2010


These pictures were sent to me recently by my very good friend and old neighbor.
aka: my chosen family
These were my final moment in paradise.
Photos that are simply a reflection of a moment in time when I really felt my heart hit the cement pavers of where my soul lives.
I left 1/2 my house furnished with my stuff.
I watched all of my neighbors hand over their fun flamingo, palm tree, beach scene keys to the new owner...and after I did my final walk through and had enough tears to flood California, I handed the new owner my gate opener and my martini cocktail key.
It wasn't the house that I loved, it was the memories that we created in it.
Actually that's only 1/2 true. I LOVED that house. I loved everything about it.
It was my home. A home that I never thought I'd leave.
So please excuse the swollen puffy face from my 2 hours sleep the night before and all the tears...all.the.tears...
As soon as these photos were taken, we 5 people climbed into my car and drove ourselves to our new world, where my wonderful husband was waiting on us.
4o24 will always be special to me.


Anonymous said...

Wow - how emotional! I can only imagine what you must have been thinking behind the smile you put on in the pictures.

Laurie said...

"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose"

Kim said...

Memories that will last forever..
Love the photos..

Briana's Mom said...

This post makes me so sad for you. I know how much you loved your paradise. You definitely have some wonderful memories to cherish.

Colleen said...

Oh T............ I know where your heart still is. (I know some of mine is there too). I loved your home, but its the family that makes the home. THank you for sharing that home with me so many times. I can't wait to make some new fun memories in GA.


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