We have borrowed an impossible amount of money which we will never be able to pay back. The looming currency crisis is inevitable. 42 million Amer*cans are on food stamps. 13% of our entire population. Those numbers are up 17.5% from last year and that number has gone up every month for 19 months. How can a country be in good shape when 13% of the population can't even afford to buy food.?.
The numbers for unemployment are skewed. They haven't risen because many of the benefits have run out and those people are no longer counted as 'unemployed'...however, more people are collecting unemployment and just because the ones that no longer qualify for benefits are no longer counted by the government does not mean they are employed. 43% of Amer*cans families spend more than they earn. The Amer*can consumer is broke.
So let me ask, are we Amer*cans immune to the laws of economics & finance?
With all this "stuff" brewing, I believe each family needs an emergency plan. I have begun working on an emergency plan to get the hell out of dodge to wait out the chaos, if the need arises. Big cities will feel it first and I won't want to be in Hot-lanta when the shit hits the fan. Serious social unrest is on the horizon. Are you prepared? Do you have enough food, water, medical supplies to wait out the chaos for 6-12 months? You will not be able to rely on the government because they will be to busy trying to save themselves. I believe Amer*ca will be restructuring itself and we will lose our place as the super power of the world. Not a far fetched theory at all, study up on it.
Personally, I will make sure we have enough gasoline stored to get my family out of this big city. I will have enough food and water to feed my family. Batteries, because if the Amer*can dollar takes the plunge, then who's paying for eletric? They won't want your money either.
I have friends that have invested in gold, which is smart if you have the extra cash flow. Gold will hold value and you can invest in the new currency of the world.
I know it's crazy stuff to think about, but having some good conversations with other people made me realize that even though I thought I was prepared, I'm really not. I just want to get your thinker going so that in the event of chaos, you are not in denial. Social unrest will be inevitable if people can not feed their families.
I know a lot of you don't believe in guns, but I do. I am prepared to protect my family at all costs. Do you think I'd advertise my preparedness and not be ready to defend it? HA, then you don't know me.
Many of you will read this and think I'm crazy and that's perfectly fine with me because I will be a prepared crazy when events happen that are completely out of my control. But if you think I am crazy, I got ask, why? Is it because it's the first time you've given a thought to this subject? Are you in denial about the world around you? or have you also been thinking about these same things? C'mon, let's talk, I'm open for the conversation.
As far as I see it, if Amer*ca gets it's shit together, then I am ahead of the game by 6-12 months. What's the harm in that?